China anger as American warship USS Halsey sails through Taiwan Strait

A US warship has sailed through the Taiwan Strait - prompting an angry response from China. The US Navy said the USS Halsey conducted a "routine Taiwan Strait transit" on Wednesday, "through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law". The guided missile destroyer...

US approves $95bn aid package for Ukraine and Israel

The Senate has passed $95bn in war aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan after months of delays and rows - with Joe Biden set to sign the legislation later. The bill passed the Senate on an overwhelming 79-18 vote late on Tuesday after the House had approved the package on...

Dozens arrested in US as student protests over Gaza spread across country

Chaos engulfed campuses across the United States as pro-Palestinian student protests spread to universities across the length and breadth of this country.  A movement which started at Columbia University on the east coast has now spread to the north, south and west. At the University of Southern California in Los...

David Cameron holds talks with Donald Trump as part of US visit

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron has met Donald Trump in Florida, before holding talks with US secretary of state Antony Blinken. Lord Cameron held discussions with Mr Trump before making his way to Washington DC for discussions with Mr Blinken, other figures from the Biden administration and members of Congress. Releasing...